
Showing posts from June, 2014


I put this picture in my window this week with 2 rainbow flags and it has been the subject of lots of cell phone photos - and emails.   I wanted to blog and share it with the Internet cause It has been a ton of fun . I love to watch people try and figure out the meaning of her majesty 's photo in the middle of the rainbow flags. ??????????? In our community when we call each other a queen , a quick response is : I am a princess , not a queen , my mother is still alive. Well, my mom, sister, and grandmother are all dead sooooooooo I want to be adopted by her majesty -and --I'm playing like a child that Queen Elizabeth is the Queen Mother and I am the Queen Sistah !!!!! Its gay pride 2014 and I have a sense of gratitude to all people in this country that have understood how important it has been to stand up to radicals/ religious leaders- that preach hate. As recently as 2013 Jesus , Joe Serna , Paula Barrett and myself were denied our rooms at a Tuscon...