43 AVE A

THE NEW STORE IS ALMOST READY TO OPEN I hope to be working again , 100% , by September 2015 14 months of trying to get this done has taken its toll on me, but, its over and Ive landed on my feet , not my head. I think !!!! Im in the PITT -----called 43 ave A Yes , the pitt - let me explain A man fell into a pitt and couldn't get out . A subjective person came along and said "I feel sorry for you down there" An objective person walked by and said "It s logical that someone would fall into that pitt" A Catholic priest walked by and said"Only, bad people fall into pits; you deserve your pitt" A Christian Scientist said " The pitt is your Mind" A Therapist walked by and said " Your mother and father are to blame for you being in that pitt Believe in yourself and you can get out" An optimist said " Things could be worse!! " That pitt could be in Texas. A pessimist declared " Things will get wors...