Our neighborhood is on fast forward. New York has always been the city of "USE TO BE" !!!!!!!! This use to be a restaurant , I loved This was where I use to live and now its an office bldg. This is where the first store I ever bought my first something was, now, it's a parking lot. ect ect ect IF YOU CALL IT ---- The Lower East Side / Alphabet City / East Village, or LES its on fast forward. It's changin so fast I can't keep up with it. I thought I saw a seven eleven the other day. I got off the bus , and bam, it was on Ave A and 12th street. It felt very New Jersey , no offense to Jersey. I have great Jersey customers but I always get those slurpies in New Jersey, not ave A Egg creams and Katz's Delicatessen, www.katzsdelicatessen.com , are part of this neighborhood. I don't know how this happened but, Galleria J Antonio 47 ave A between east 3rd and east 4th street is the last place you can actually walk in...