TIME IS GOLD functional art by J. Guevara L.E.S.
Words by Jesse Gee Photographs by Ken Francis Time is the most valuable thing you own. I say this to people and they all agree and shake their heads Yes it is -everyone agrees 100% , but , what do you do with that time????? Then I get a blank look. The TIME IS GOLD clock series speaks to that very issue. There is no refund on time . It's what you cannot recover as the day goes , the hour, or the minute or the seconds. Its to be treated with care and respect and you must remember that TIME- cannot be given to people or projects that do not appreciate it. The clocks are functional art ------$350.00. 15" X 21" a real clock (AA) sits in a hand built wooden case and is plush with colors (acrylic) that vibrate with the blurr of seconds and of minutes that represents the fleeting thing we call " our life." Guevara's strokes make you feel the speed in which life can be one way one day and one way the next. I had a lady stand in fron...