Women at the crosswalks of New York

I have been walking into stores all week in New York
Uptown -Soho- Mid-town & around L.E.S.
It seems people still want that retail experience .

New York knows how to make shopping an experience. Fashion--- fun and more fun.........
I got an idea for a new book--Women at the crosswalks of New York ---
I get to the crosswalk and look around me . At any given moment I see women dressed for sport, lunch, or just going on an errand. I saw an 80 yr old with cluster clips that were going up her ears like Lena Horne. I just smiled at her and she knew it was a look of approval because she smiled back with that " Told Ya So " warmth.
I younger gal had a big belt on with a Hugh silver snake head that matched the snake tattoo on her forearm.
I love New York women!!!!!! Out of the cars and onto the pavement runways of Manhattan

I love the women who can pull off accessories to make their clothes look better. The sun shines in their hair and through their earrings. Shoes are so important for comfort ----- that its become an art form---- or an Olympic category ----on how to change your shoes in the ladies room , when you get there.

I love the grey/black/tan clothes on Madison ave. They are perfect for the things Galleria J.Antonio is showing this fall.

Less is best or one big dramatic necklace . I am looking forward to going back to work and helping my customers trim last years garments with this years treasures.

I better get back to work speaking of trim--yours truly has been hitting all the new places to nosh on the lower east side.


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