I was back at THE BON SOIR 40 west 8th street NYC

In 1961 to 1962 Barbra Streisand would sing at the Bon Soir .
 Later Barry Manilow and Bette Midler would team up and belt out tunes , as did Ethel Merman,  and young, joke telling,  comedian's like Joan Rivers & Phylis Diller .
 I got to New York in 1969 , just  in time to go there when The Bon Soir was a dark , shady, Latino dive with the greatest music I had ever heard.
 Underage tyrannies and regular fights kept the mood filled with suspense and drama.
No it was no listed on the CLUBS TO GO section of the village voice but if you needed a place to go to feel free and dance till 3 a.m. that was where you went.

 I met a co-worker there who by day was a credit manager and night she was SAMANTHA .  We both agreed the office did not have to know where we spent our free time and he is still one of my best friends.  He stopped being Samantha because he's 65 yrs old and he can't spin, on the pole any longer, no matter how low his heels are.

The show was a Bette Midler tribute called "BACK TO THE BATHHOUSE" that will open next week on 42nd street.
But the real show was inside of me as I sat in that room , and felt the vibrations of all the stars and would be stars that you can still feel down there.   The sound system was still fabulous .  Its been renovated and cleaned up , but , It's still small, cozy and filled with dreams.
I wanted to stay in New York , get into the fashion business, find someone to love, and always be a second from a new ideas, a fashion trend  and accomplishments.

Galleria J.Antonio is all of that for me.

1969- to - 2012   I still want to be in the middle of everything that is possible in life .


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