is it ELITIST to expect people to pay for HANDMADE?
It is safe to say that as goods become more disposable, demand, for craftspeople have shrunk??. Shoes, bags, furnishings ,and paper ect ect On line -off line- 99c shops- Wal-mart, and other discounters have made it easier to replace rather than repair. To sell cheap goods companies engage in unfair labor, and who knows where you bargain were born???? . Also, we have been taught to look for a bargain , for everything , so goggle and eBay help us feel we have landed a bargain. At what real cost??????????????? when our shops and neighbor's disappear. Tax revenues shrink and we got a bargain. What about a balance of bargains and buying local and handmade. ?????? Galleria J Antonio, like many retailers of goods are up against the cheap look alike of our creativity. Its been like that for the 30 yrs Ive been in existence. Quality, Service ,and unique always live up to the clients expectation of letting some cash go for an item. Some crafters have added commercial pieces to their ...