I was at Pride Shabbat-@Congregation Beit Simchat Torah on 28th street to hear Cynthia Nixon give a message of love and accomplishment to all the organizations that stopped fighting long enough to pull together and help Gov. Cuomo get MARRIAGE EQUALITY passed.
I was so moved that I found myself crying, singing, and then crying some more.
I got home just in time to hear the words " The billed has passed"

Jesus and I ran over to the west village and were met by 300 dancing and cheering straight and gay people.
Standing in front of STONEWALL where it all began was where I wanted to be.

While I hugged Jesus tightly I noticed--- 39 Christopher street . That was where the first J.Antonio was for 10 yrs.
As a, very, tall, young, man handed us a flower each, the memories of all the years (1979-1989) flew by me. The opening of THE MONSTER-Shasha, Marsha the STREET DRAG, Rollerrina, Greetings- the card shop, New York Leather, The Pink Tea Cup, etc etc.

Jose Antonio & I (20yrs together) did not get to that night together but Jesus & I did.

New York 1--- mini cam ---was there and before we knew it Michael Herzenberg had Jesus and I on camera asking what it meant to us. Jesus said he was from Venezuela- we already had our immigration fight to keep Jesus here on the FEDERAL level.

I, of course said "RINGS" lets -----shop,----- buy -----, and wear our rings !!!!!

I got calls from Fla. and California that saw my clip on NIGHTLY NEWS.

The locals would give me the heads up that they saw me on NEW YORK 1.

Galleria J.Antonio sells silver, non-traditional wedding rings. They are for the couple that do not want that 47th ST gold band look but need bands that can be worn everyday without fanfare.

Lots more thought will be put into that department. Stop by and look.

Oh yes -- Jesus and I have not set a date for our wedding but we will!!!!!


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