An artist is a person engaged in one or more of any broad spectrum of activities related to creating art , practicing the arts , and , or, demonstrating an art form . This definition according to Wikipedia sums up what we think an artist is. A person who creates art A person who promotes art A person who creates art as an occupation A person that is skilled at an artistic activity Galleria J Antonio- fit's all the above definitions : The only trouble is ,no, one, entered the financial rewards of being an artist. *******Amazing Fabulous Broke.******** Sometimes you get paid --sometimes you don't get paid. If you don't care, and really mean it - your life is happy. Try, caring that you did not get paid for what your worth!!!! Oh Boy--- Unhappiness!!!!!! The reward comes from doing the work , creating what the skill or the - outcome / process by which you live in order to get those rewards. I have no regrets about my choice to live an uncomplicated life with...